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An Incredible Synergy of 3 technologies

Lymphatic Drainage Pressotherapy

Vacuum Lymphatic Cup Massage

Infrared Heat Therapy


Lymphatic Drainage

Khuba's Pressotherapy Machine is a computer-controlled dynamic air compression system that uses a compression suit with inflating air chambers. The compression suit has seven garments for feet, legs, waist, and arms around the treated body areas. The compression suit allows precise presso-massage according to the settings on the control panel. All parameters can be adjusted: time, compression intensity, and compression patterns. This targeted compression allows precise tissue massage and increases blood and lymphatic circulation.

This system was designed to increase blood circulation and emulate the lymphatic system from the feet and ankles to the upper thighs.

Pressotherapy enhances extra-cellular fluid clearance, reduces bloating, swelling, and oedema, alleviates leg fatigue, and improves oxygen flow throughout the body. Pressotherapy can be combined with seaweed wraps to detoxify, firm, tone, improve circulation, and increase lymphatic drainage. This is a great, relaxing alternative to liposuction or painful manual massage. Read more..


In addition to this, we also offer a vacuum cup lymphatic massage treatment that can be used on the face, arms, back, legs and buttocks. This is the relaxing and beneficial treatment performed by a therapist. It is safe to use on clients where the pressotherapy suit is not suitable. Before booking please download and read the PDF safety procedure and consent form. Your therapist will go through this with you before your treatment. 

Outdoor Jacuzzi

Who Is It For?

Lymphatic drainage can be used to treat a variety of conditions and has many benefits, including: 


  • Weight loss through water retention 

  • Poor Circulation

  • Fluid retention

  • Oedema

  • Lymphatic Issues

  • Strengthen weak immune systems due to lymph moving more efficiently

  • Removal of toxins

  • Prevent varicose veins

  • Reduce the appearance of Cellulite

  • Improve Muscle aches & pains and limb stiffness

  • Reduction of swelling and inflammation

  • Improve Skin Tone & Firmness


Infrared Heat Therapy

This is a unique system with built-in infrared heating elements inside the compression suit. Near-infrared light heats up and contracts collagen fibres within the skin to stimulate new collagen formation.

Infrared heating energy helps to stimulate the body's regenerative metabolism at a cellular level. By stimulating the body's tissues to convert infrared energy into cellular energy (ATP), a synergetic treatment provides energy that cells can use to accelerate collagen and elastin production. This increases cellular permeability, which allows for increased cellular nutrient intake. This infrared stimulation will also result in more effective removal of excess fluid and toxins from the cells while increasing blood flow to the skin and producing macrophage cells for removing excess pigment, toxins, and even scar tissue.

Relaxing in Pool

Who Is It For?

Cardiovascular Health

One of the key health benefits of infrared therapy is improvement in cardiovascular health. Infrared light increases the production of nitric oxide, a vital signalling molecule that is important for the health of blood vessels. This molecule helps relax the arteries and prevents blood from clotting and clumping in the vessels. Aside from these, it also combats free radicals to prevent oxidative stress and regulate blood pressure.


Nitric oxide is essential in improving blood circulation, which provides more oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues. Thus, infrared light hastens wound healing and stimulates the regeneration of injured tissues, reducing inflammation and pain.


Pain and Inflammation

Infrared therapy is an effective and safe remedy for pain and inflammation. It can penetrate deep through the layers of the skin, to the muscles and bones. Since infrared therapy enhances and improves circulation in the skin and other parts of the body, it can bring oxygen and nutrients to injured tissues, promoting healing. It helps ease pain, relieve inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress.


Muscular Injuries

Infrared therapy improves the action of the mitochondria within cells, thus triggering the growth and repair of new muscle cells and tissues. In other words, infrared light can hasten the repair process after a muscle injury.



Infrared therapy can be applied through saunas. Detoxifications are important since they may strengthen the immune system. At the same time, detoxification aid biochemical processes to function properly, improving food digestion. In infrared saunas, the body’s core temperature increases, leading to detoxification at the cellular level.


Potential Cancer Cure

Infrared therapy is a potentially viable cancer treatment. Studies show significant activation of nanoparticles when they are exposed to infrared radiation, rendering them highly toxic to surrounding cancer cells. One such modality is photoimmunotherapy, using a conjugated antibody- photoabsorber complex that binds to cancer cells.

Massage Supplies


Lymphatic Pressotherapy Treatment

45 min - £45.00

Course of 5 (45 mins) - £195.00

Course of 10 (45 mins) - £395.00


Lymphatic & Infrared Pressotherapy Treatment

45 mins - £65.00

Course of 5 (45 mins) - £295.00

Course of 10 (45 mins) - £495.00


Vacuum Cup Lymphatic Massage

30 min treatment on face, legs or arms - £45.00

Course of 5 (30 mins) - £195.00

Course of 10 (30 mins) - £395.00


90 min Full Treatment on Face & Body for Weight Loss and Lymphatic Drainage. 

1 treatment - £145.00

Course of 5 - £695.00

Course of 10 - £1295.00


Call Now: 01270 421212


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